Did you know that as of the July 1, 2021, updated regulations governing the energy efficiency requirements of new electric motors were published.
“All motors within the regulation’s scope which are sold in the UK must meet its requirements.
Since it was first introduced, the regulation on eco-design for electric motors has seen a phased expansion in its scope where electric motors are concerned, with
amendments in 2011, 2015 and 2017.
Since it was first introduced, the regulation on eco-design for electric motors has seen a phased expansion in its scope where electric motors are concerned, with
amendments in 2011, 2015 and 2017.
As of the 1st July 2021, a further expansion of scope comes into force with a new, more demanding, version of the regulation – 2019/1781/EU.
A good repair or rewind by an AEMT member using the latest specification winding wire and insulation systems and good quality bearings will maintain the efficiency of a motor within
its original rated efficiency level band. Indeed, depending on the design of the original motor, modern materials and repair techniques can increase a motor’s efficiency.”
its original rated efficiency level band. Indeed, depending on the design of the original motor, modern materials and repair techniques can increase a motor’s efficiency.”
For more information click here
information supplied by AEMT